Ashes in Midair


Poetry. Winner of the 4th MMM Press Poetry Book Competition. Settlemire Williams is also the author of the chapbook Possession (Finishing Line Press 2007). Her poetry has appeared in Mississippi Review, 42opus, Shenandoah, Sycamore Review, the Marlboro Review, and diode, among others. Her poem "Lighter" won the 2006 Diner poetry contest and was selected for Best New Poets 2006. She holds an MFA from Virginia Commonwealth University and is book review editor and associate editor of Blackbird.

90 pp perfect bound, acid free paper 6" x 9" Winner of the fourth Many Mountains Moving Press Poetry Book Prize, selected by Yusef Komunyakaa

10 in stock

Poetry. Winner of the 4th MMM Press Poetry Book Competition. Settlemire Williams is also the author of the chapbook Possession (Finishing Line Press 2007). Her poetry has appeared in Mississippi Review, 42opus, Shenandoah, Sycamore Review, the Marlboro Review, and diode, among others. Her poem “Lighter” won the 2006 Diner poetry contest and was selected for Best New Poets 2006. She holds an MFA from Virginia Commonwealth University and is book review editor and associate editor of Blackbird.



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